by Phillip Faruggio / July 7th, 2012
Most of us probably knew for the longest time how the Fox Cable talk show hosts keep labeling themselves
conservatives. A purist
conservative would never dare refer to the Hannitys, O’Reillys et al as
one of them. After all, these blokes rail and rave about how broke our
government is, and then wave the (false) flag repeatedly for more and
more military spending. “Stay the course” is the newest mantra for our
illegal and immoral invasions and occupations of Iraq & Afghanistan.
When the Bush-Cheney gang was behind it all, these so-called
journalists bent over backwards to support their acts of aggression.
More importantly, these pundits supported the obscene spending increases
that the compliant Republican
and Democrat Congress approved. This brings me to part 2 of my disgust.
The so-called
progressives on MSNBC. I sat there the other
night as Ed Shultz lambasted those of us who are against what is known
as Obamacare: the cave-in to the private insurance megalith that rules
health care forever. Shultz was indignant at the Republicans who are
trying to derail this new law. Yet, he never will acknowledge that
Obamacare, as it is called, will destroy the only hope we have for real
health insurance reform, which is a Medicare for All first step. Of
course, the Republicans are against the law for their own political
reasons. After all, do you think a right wing ideologue like Justice
John Roberts would vote to keep Obamacare if not for the fact that it
ultimately will increase profits for the private health insurers? Trust
me on this one: If the insurers do not like any part of the new law as
hurtful to their profits, they will simply raise deductibles and
co-pays. They will have millions of new customers too, mandated by law
with threat of a tax for evasion. Yet, this is not the key reason why I
for one have absolutely NO connection with the phony progressives out
There have been more drone attacks under Obama than during the eight
years of their use by the Bush-Cheney gang. Gitmo is still open,
rendition of suspects is still going on, and we still are in over 100
countries with over 800 permanent bases. We still occupy and kill and
are killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet, the real tragedy is that under
Mr. Obama and his party, in collaboration with the Republicans, military
spending goes up and up and up — to the tune last year of over $563
billion. Imagine what some of that money could have done to alleviate
the housing mess or the need for more good paying jobs? Infrastructure
repairs for our cities, our roads? How about having our National Guard
out there doing what they were meant to do: help out in disaster relief?
Nope! Where are the Ed Shultzs and Rachel Maddows, Chris Mathews, Al
et al.? Silence!
Someday, and I hope soon, Americans who now struggle to make ends
meet will awaken from this 2-Party One Big Empire hypnosis. They will
turn off the mainstream media, whether it be on radio or the boob tube,
whenever a so-called ‘news or news talk show’ comes on. It is time to
rally behind the need to pull back this military industrial empire; the
same one that both General Smedley Butler (
War Is a Racket) and President Eisenhower (“Farewell Address”) warned us about.
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